Ecotoxicomic network


EcotoxicoMic: The international network on Microbial Ecotoxicology

We are the co-founders of EcotoxicoMic, an open international network of partners from research, industry and public administration who are interested in questions related to Microbial Ecotoxicology, an emerging discipline facing contemporary environmental threats.

In particular, we were the main organizers of the First International Conference on Microbial Ecotoxicology, EcotoxicoMic2017, that was held in Lyon (France) on November 21-24, 2017 and of the Second Edition, EcotoxicoMic2020, that was organized in a virtual format on October 6-9, 2020.










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Related publications:

PESCE S., GHIGLIONE J.F., TOPP E., MARTIN-LAURENT F., 2020. Editorial: Microbial Ecotoxicology. Front. Microbiol. 11, 1342.  

GHIGLIONE J.F., MARTIN-LAURENT F., PESCE S., 2016. Microbial ecotoxicology: an emerging discipline facing contemporary environmental threats. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 23, 3981-3983 – Ghiglione et al. (ESPR 2016)

GHIGLIONE J.F., MARTIN-LAURENT F., Stachowski-Haberkorn S., PESCE S., Vuilleumier S., 2014. The coming of age of microbial ecotoxicology: report on the first two meetings in France. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 21, 14241-14245 – Ghiglione et al (ESPR 2014)