PHARMATOX (2021-2023)

PharmaTOX: Temporal and spatial variation in pharmaceutical concentrations in urban and agricultural stream: resulting effects on periphytic and sediment microbial communities

Coordinator: Stéphane Pesce (INRAE – UR RiverLy, EMA)


Partner PIs:

  • Stéphane Pesce & Chloé Bonnineau (INRAE – EMA, UR RiverLy, Lyon)
  • Aymeric Dabrin, Christelle Margoum, Matthieu Masson & Cécile Miège (INRAE – LAMA, UR RiverLy, Lyon)
  • Emmanuel Naffrechoux (USMB – UMR EDYTEM, Le Bourget du lac)
  • Emilie Lyautey (USMB – UMR CARRTEL, Le Bourget du lac)
  • Ed Topp (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, London, Ontario, Canada)

Two study sites:

Ardières River, LTER Ardières-Morcille, Beaujolais vineyard area


Tillet River, tributary of Lake Bourget (Savoie)


Main objectives of PharmaTOX:

  • to describe the spatial and seasonal gradient of pharmaceutical substances in two study sites, in comparison to more “historical” pollution (pesticides and metals for Ardières; PCBs for Tillet);
  • to characterize the distribution of different pharmaceutical substances between the surface water and surface sediments;
  • to evaluate the consequences on the benthic microbial communities exposed in these two compartments in terms of antimicrobial resistance occurrence and of functional tolerance acquisition (PICT).

Modification date: 05 June 2023 | Publication date: 05 June 2023 | By: SW